Main Content...
*See other reports here*;-
(Please click
all following underlines, and tell your friends about the risks.)
reports relating to the harm of
children, permanent injuries,
and even
death of many patients following manipulation treatments have
already been documented around the World.
Yet they keep on happening, and some notably serious injuries allegedly
caused by Chiropractors give rise to specific challenges and questions
relating to health and safety aspects of their repeatedly administered joint
claims for personal losses experienced by those who sustain
injury at the 'hands' of Chiropractic tend to be
unsuccessful because either medical doctors actively avoid becoming legally
involved, or, proof of negligence cannot be legally established.
Hence formal reports of many 'treatment' induced
injuries simply do not make it into the public domain, and they do not become recorded
as relevant occurrences within
the statistical percentages published by risk assessment investigators
Quite literally, if
you allow yourself
to become injured,
then like most of us who already have been (through not having
prior knowledge of the risks we were subjecting ourselves to), not only
could you end up struggling to cope on your own with some most undesirable
outcomes, but close family could also become disadvantaged by your injury.
In my case - simply because I went to a Chiropractor to obtain what I had
heard was the best treatment for help with a 'bad back'.
So whilst you can end up having an
appearance suggesting fitness and health, you can also end up living through bad
internal pains and
debilitating symptoms, whilst additionally experiencing a significantly
limited lifestyle compared to the one you had previously enjoyed ..... and all
of this whilst the
unknowing World moves busily on.
The Public has a right to know about
every risk associated with Chiropractic manipulation.
taken at the time list
43 manual Chiropractic tugs to my head during 1993
which were supposedly part of my necessary full spine
went from innocuous to body shaking within a short period, the last of
which (when the Chiropractor could not get my strong and healthy neck to 'click') caused me some very serious
injuries -
skull fracturing from
above my neck
still unresolved regions behind my nose,
around my pituitary and
inside my left ear
(click each underline). After the initial fracture injury, my intra-cranial
and sphenoid region haemorrhages became calcified and started
resorbing, however
my dislodged left styloid
still floats amongst ligaments, muscles and nerves behind my jaw,
thus often entrapping and pinching my left carotid artery.
I have irreparably torn pharyngeal plus head-neck and cranio-spinal
tissues and
- more
relating to separated cranial bones which were rendered permanently
incapable of healing naturally, and so *still have not*. Thus there is
on-going internal movement, with daily inflammation pressures, repeat infections and sensations
within my skull where there ought not be any.
I'm regularly incapacitated by unbelievable pains, repeat TIAs and sense
numbing cranial neuralgias,
thus I simply cannot escape from the life draining and gnawing presence
of these injuries.
As revealed, the left
half of my throat and pharyngo-basilar region became permanently damaged
leaving everyday left eye, talking, balance/walking and left arm related
muscle movements pulling against important cranial soft tissues deep
inside my head, this due to the bony structures no longer soundly locating
muscle-tendon insertions and laryngeal ligaments.
I end up suffering
hellishly unless I talk as little as possible and move extremely
carefully; normally I'm reduced to reading, studying or looking
out of the window at a normal life I cannot freely share. Anyone who
does not have this very rare kind of head injury simply cannot begin to
understand how pain surges and intra-cranial pressures impinge upon every
aspect of life and behaviour; thus normal folk simply cannot
realise how lucky they are to be able to enjoy the life they already take for
'natural' granted, which is why I write this page.
So I have had to re-learn walking
chin downwards) in a manner where I wilfully let myself wobble
(drunk like) for fear of allowing the involuntary reactions of balance
muscles to induce overpowering intra-cranial pains which could make me suddenly fall
(again). Running and bike activities might be just two of
many things I did, though cannot any longer do, but hey, at least the
on-going and sense numbing pains which accompany the satisfaction of what little
bit at a time I do manage to
achieve, serve as a constant reminder that I really am so very lucky to
still be
One June 2000 scan (*7* years after injury)
is now on YouTube. Look at the shattered left sphenoid-clinoid
structures between my nose and pituitary and ask yourself what it is (when
so obviously no longer sound bone) that my left eye-neck-throat-laryngeal
(talk-laugh-swallow etc.) muscles now pull against, and which I must now
consciously guard against using; unless essential ! See;-
(more to be
So this webpage is
also my real
medical file, not the bloated (costly) one lodged in my local Health
Centre and on NHS computers; a file that devalues the efforts of all
genuinely good Health/ Medical related personnel.
The following black text section relates to Radiologists, and the way in
which they as a Professional group rarely report Chiropractic injury (in
the US as well as here in the UK), so the following black text relates to
Radiology. Skip to the next blue text section
if you wish to concentrate to Chiropractic issues.
The Medical Specialists/
Radiologists my GP referred me to would not provide any clinically
necessary fracture X-ray imagery and truthful reporting until 3+ years
after my injury; ie. after my attempt to obtain compensation for
injury had run out of time. Either I could not get the scans I
needed; or the Radiologists failed to correctly report the *obvious*
major injuries my scans did reveal; or Radiology examinations of my
head 'disappeared' after being deemed unnecessary to retain !
*Officially* I was not injured, and
*officially* there is still nothing wrong with my skull!
Thus from that last day I attended
Chiropractic to this present, my (still unhealed) cranial fractures have
remained ever painfully - ! UNTREATED !
Please understand I really do not
have any pleasure
in stating this, but the 'Professionally' maintained silence
I have experienced and witnessed has ensured a knowing denial of the clinically necessary medical treatment
which was not only essential for my health and any possibility of optimum
recovery, but
also for the maintenance of my ability to continue working. This
denial became established because my individual health priorities could
not be acceded to by Doctors whose peer based priorities were to ensure
that there could not be any Court Proceedings against Chiropractors for my
original injury, nor thereafter for any possible claim of deterioration
due to the continuing Medical denial and cover-up by those who write the
evidential reports !
In other words, there could never be
any revelation of injury aspects (which truthfully could not have been
sustained in any way other than by oblique pulling of my head with respect
to my body, as via the Chiropractic manipulations already illustrated on YouTube
videos), nor any validation for my subsequent deterioration being the
result of skeletal muscles repeatedly grinding away at
untreated internal fractures and therefore acting on vital soft cranial tissues.
Via this withholding of Radiological diagnosis
process I was effectively condemned to steadily increased suffering and
physical deterioration with exacerbating cranial injury, instead of me
being helped by the Medical Doctors we can all normally rely upon in more
usual injury circumstances.
Even injured
battlefield enemy combatants get better treatment than I have!
My complaints of
increasingly extreme left eye, facial, nasal, ear and within head related
pains, repeat nausea, temporary neurological and vision impairments and
diplopia, very serious episodes of movement induced debilitation,
peripheral numbness, physical
sensations of intracranial movement, odd fluid tastes and nose drips from internal
seeping and inflammations, my obviously distorted throat with only right
half normal swallow reflex and voice box function, repeat bleeding from
the roof of my mouth etc., all of these became stated signs and symptoms
the Medical Doctors were obliged to IGNORE *because the Radiologists
always reported my head scans as showing "no abnormality" with no need for any Medical treatment*.
Actually, my suffering became
medically reported upon as if I had a psychological "fixation" about my
floating, but *officially normal* left styloid, and after about one year
it was suggested that I needed to see a Psychiatrist as medical treatment
for my extreme within head pains.
So when exactly - I wonder - did the qualifications of Psychiatrists allow
them to treat diplopia and a bleeding soft palate ?
In spite of me knowing that my
cranium was (and still is) steadily deteriorating I simply could not
obtain the help I needed because not only were my scans not being properly
reported, but a second opinion handled by
the same Senior Radiologist whom I had trusted to send my list of concerns
with some images as shown here became informally handled!!!
Radiologists know every 'cover-up' trick in the book - eg. a promise to
forward disc copies from the original hospital archive, become an
non-reporting look at
unknown selections of film imagery forwarded
*without my
Hence Radiologists knowingly left me
to suffer and to deteriorate without treatment !
Now the films shown here
- did not - and still do not - because they simply cannot - misrepresent
actuality, and the TRUTH. They show not only the predicament
Chiropractic had left me in, but also how mainstream fee charging Medical
Doctors could, and still can, end up repeatedly *ignoring* injured patient
suffering and pleas for help, thereby 'Professionally' denying my decent, previously productive, hard working, and entirely
honest being (the same applies to others injured by
Chiropractors, not me alone) not only the provision of
necessary Medical treatment, but also the provision of clinically correct
Medical records!
The Radiologists directly involved
with my case have had so many opportunities to make corrections (letters
retained), yet they AND the Royal College of Radiologists respond as if
Radiology reports reported against *my name* have nothing to do with them.
They suggest that
the Hospitals and Trusts were responsible, and remain so!
How ridiculous can this become ?
NO! The Hospital and Trust managements
were not, and are not, *responsible*!
Hospital and Trust managements
neither read X-rays, nor write the Medical reports!
Thus I am now obliged to show copies
of these
radiology images to every doctor I see in order to ensure that my
medical treatment does not become incorrectly based upon my Radiology Service corrupted NHS
Medical File. Some specialists have asked me who had stated that my
skull was fractured - as if the objective proof shown in these images
must remain mere hypothetical concept without the prior written subjective opinion of
a Radiologist deeming factual truth as being medically permissible!
You see I have had verbal confirmation from *qualified* radiology personnel; though
of course TRUTH reported verbally cannot become entered in a Medical file
outside of formal referral!
Also; in no way was it possible that
the same QUB University I attended as an electronics student had tutored
different fundamentals to the Medical students who became the Radiologists
reading my radiology scans and imagery. Hence this was and remains,
an outright dishonesty maintained by the very experts I was and still am
obliged to attend, be expected to trust, and in whom I should
unconditionally be able to respectfully rely upon. Those
Radiologists knew that no GP could overcome the influence their reports
would have upon the opinion of other specialists who are not allowed to
independently report or treat directly from X-ray imagery etc. they do not
formally report.
Regardless of age or
position, there are few less trustworthy anywhere than those who deliberately bear
false witness in order to influence wider opinion; so maybe it is
the UK's Royal College of Radiology itself I should be complaining about?
See their
aim no.5.
Why do Radiologists attempt to deny
the obvious existence of my head injuries?
You see, all those who have been permanently injured by Chiropractors
during the last 15 years, or who sadly died as a result of Chiropractic
'treatment' after I was injured, might have been spared - IF - the cause
of my quite specific 'oblique head pull' induced type of injuries had not
been concealed by Medical Radiologists.
Not all of those other victims might have lost the good lives they once
enjoyed through effectively being denied an opportunity to freely consider
already known information about others who had previously been badly
injured, or who had died before they themselves had consented to head
jerking 'treatment'.
Effectively, every one of those who became injured had been Professionally prevented from making
a properly
informed personal decision about whether to accept Chiropractic
'treatment' or not.
Thus what happened to
me via this Medical cover-up remains at the very root of the situation whereby
inadequately informed citizens are to this very
day still being
badly hurt
and charged for manually applied Chiropractic 'treatments' having neither
genuine Medical nor
Scientific proof
of long term efficacy.
patients entering Chiropractic portals simply do not realise that they too
could end up losing their own free-living independence as a direct result.
So often those who attend Chiropractors do not get to hear of the risks
involved, whilst the Chiropractors themselves do not inform them about the true
significance and known dangers when they attend, and especially not prior
to every individual manipulation 'treatment' they administer.
So often those who find themselves within an injured
body after attending for Chiropractic treatment find out only after it is
too late - and they regretfully realise that no one can turn their clocks back
for them !
Of course Chiropractors (and Medical Doctors) are already well aware of
injuries and suffering reported after Chiropractic manipulation
- as already published -
only these Professionally maintain a
deathly silence about it !
Hence it was only via the Internet that I, and others like me, came to hear about so
many more folk
who report being injured by Chiropractors, and many more who - as I -
simply could not obtain either full injury disclosure or appropriate medical treatment,
which of course meant that they too could not obtain compensation for
their genuine lifetime losses, nor see their cases recorded within the
lists of *treatment related statistics*.
Thus this website becomes doubly important for WARNING
not only about the risks for sustaining serious injury, but also about the
life threatening and most unpleasant experience of finding yourself on the
'wrong side of Professional Medicine', with all of the legal and socially related
consequences arising - whether
you had medical insurance or not !
And all this because you thought you were doing the very best you could for
your future health by placing yourself in the hands of 'highly qualified
experts' ?
Actually my
link on the 'News' page points to a recent formal investigation suggesting
that manipulation treatment (whether low force or high impact) simply does
NOT shorten typically presenting 'bad back' or 'car crash' etc. recovery
times, and suggests that manipulation itself places patients at risk for
increased suffering which could not arise via conservative GP advice and
( I quite agree, and not least of all because of the frightening worries
the Chiropractor instilled within me regarding how 'serious' my initial
lower back problem might have been!)
Chiropractors still claim that
their 100 year
methodologies are safe?
Yet they often physically
(do read the public Comment thread with that video; also
here about a more
forceful 'treatment' video which was removed) as they manually apply forces to patient's heads at un-naturally
oblique tissue straining angles, this with a deliberate intention of creating
localised radial, tangential, torque or vector force exertion by
unilaterally tensioning one front/side of their patient's neck ligaments
against the much stronger thoracic spine.
When my head was jerked however, it was not my fit neck which became
'adjusted', but the base of my skull eventually giving way to the steadily
increasing Chiropractic manipulation forces.
Chiropractic's high impact jerks
are intended to supposedly 'correct' the angular or axial alignment of
some particular neck vertebra with respect to the skull or other vertebrae
(with click, crack or crunching noises as 'proof of treatment'), yet this
jerking cannot fail to simultaneously introduce additional risk for
setting up coincidental shear, rotation and
scissoring motion
between bones, ligaments and tendons (hope you have been clicking all of
the underlined links), plus a compression to tension gradient centred on
the flexed spinal axis causing a cascade of stresses and forces
acting upon bones, joints, ligaments and soft tissues, including arteries, in
most unnatural ways that our anatomy never needed us to be prepared for.
Then Chiropractors
often have the cheek to blame any injuries they are alleged to cause as if
these are the result of pre-existing conditions or weaknesses, and they
make unfounded claims that the patient would have suffered anyway:
Oh yes - like having a critical stroke 'out of the blue' caused by
dissected neck arteries whilst driving down the road away from their office ?
They reassure patients by using a plastic model
of a spine to show patients where they believe any vertebral mis-alignment
or neck 'subluxation' problems are supposed to be, but significantly the models they use
are missing the vital arterial equivalents which can be seen passing
through plastic vertebrae and looping upwards into the base of the skull on the
models used by other cranio-spinal specialists. Thus the type of
model spine used by Chiropractors to illustrate their treatment *precludes
mention of neck arteries*, and notably fails to reveal how a patient's
blood vessels could become damaged by their type of highly oblique head
jerking manipulations; ie. how some
of their real world Chiropractic patients have already died (see
references above), or how the conscious being of those who went on to
develop strokes become irreversibly trapped within brain-stem injured
paraplegic bodies.
This is a horrendous
When so many other
'ages old' or new approaches to pain and joint relief are today available,
we must never forget those who went before and proved (by unwittingly
becoming *kill or cure* or *ruined life* victims of this outmoded
empirical method) that Chiropractic head-jerking 'treatment' of the neck
simply cannot satisfy the medical 'DO
These head jerking
Chiropractic continues to encompass
be outlawed
as soon as is possible, for until they stop, and no matter how well
'educated' or how well mannered and presentable any Chiropractor, then
Chiropractic itself cannot be recommended as being safe and recommendable.
By way
of a conspicuous warning to potential patients
who are so unaware relating
to the risky nature of 'treatment'
which Chiropractors might
well claim to be absolutely essential
as based upon *their*
'opinion' of X-ray images and physical examination,
even though these Chiropractors are usually neither
Medically Qualified nor UK Registered to report head-neck X-rays in
relation to cranio-spinal neurology or the provision of any Physical
Therapy, this website shows images of injuries sustained.
visualise what is (or was) real, and thereby they reveal the TRUTH; so
here are some post
Chiropractic radiology images for open medical study and
discussion. Manipulation induced injuries
can end up covering many
specialities without any one doctor alone being able to
help; this
means - medically expensive!
And yes, I was
indeed X-rayed by the chiropractor too, with both my head and neck looking
good for my age, yet I was still told that I needed treatment for a
condition which did not show up on an X-rays ?!
Later, when it came
to attempted legal proceedings, not only was it discovered that my
treatment notes had been written in pencil, but somehow my original good
X-rays became 'lost'.
Do you know that after Chiropractic
treatment, if anyone becomes nauseous, or has eye-ear-throat related
disturbances, develops headaches, feels as if strangled, are neck pained
with stiffness, have pains or tingles or numbness from body regions where
they did not experience any before etc., the chiropractors might tell them
not to worry because these are merely "not uncommon reactions to
treatment" and that they should get better ? The same is even stated
on our
NHSTA (click) website
for dear sake !!!
Even a First-Aider will tell you that
these could be the symptoms for potential health threatening injury, and
of course hopefully the patient is not already badly hurt, but if they
delay in seeking Medical advice
(click) they might go on to develop serious and permanent outcome.
Just because a chiropractor is
observing a patient's condition when they visit, this does not mean to say
that s/he knows what s/he is talking about, or cares how that patient
suffers at home, or whether they will ever again recover the health they
had *before* s/he treated you!
*Never* let
anyone pull your head to ?manipulate? your neck.
This comment applies
to Physio-Therapy as well; for patients cannot experience those symptoms
unless they have already suffered degeneration and/or internal head-neck
related injury (whip-lash etc.) which might well be exacerbated by further
manual PT 'traction' via the head.
Manual PT 'head-neck'
traction is a purely anecdotally based 'we'll try this' kind of treatment
which can, *and has*, made presenting patient injury worse.
When has manually
administered, thus uncalibratable, head pulling 'traction' ever medically
or scientifically been proven as a valid PT treatment ?
Does not pulling the
head actually stretch neck ligaments, and thus promote neck curvature with
forward drooping of the head ?
Symptomatic observations such as those
listed above are the body's internal way of warning, coping, ensuring
movement limitation, and, attempting to repair naturally on its own !
Thus "reaction to treatment" comments
infer a positive recognition plus an understanding that the patient has
already been hurt or injured. So when signs and symptoms are
off-handed by a practitioner as if being "normal" then a calculated gamble
for real-world health is being made not only via a culturing of trust to
instil an imagined hope within the patient, but by any Chiropractor who
goes on to repeatedly conduct those same 'adjustment' procedures on other
patient's anatomies!
It is also common sense that if more
of the same hurt causing 'treatment' is given, then patients are likely to
suffer increased harm!
go back to a chiropractor who hurt you !
Chiropractic treatment for lumbar spasm (there had
never *ever* been anything wrong with my neck before I was told that I
needed 'full spine' treatment), cost not only
the chiropractor's fees, but my health,
my job, my ability to work and thus any
possibility of me saving for old age.
After sufficient
time had elapsed to ensure that medical doctors could no longer become
involved with any claim for injuries, my scans
eventually imaged more of the undeniable physical causes
for my truly awful cranial pains
and my still on-going debilitating
symptomatic experiences, but by then internal bleeding
had become calcified, some bones had fused incorrectly or resorbed, and
thus the structural integrity of my cranium and my natural soft tissue
protection against pharyngeal ingress of infection had become permanently
For me any
medical intervention would likely be risky,
but besides that,
Doctors here are unlikely to suddenly report
injuries which had been so
specifically denied when consultants initially
suggested that a Chiropractor simply could not
break anyone's skull - as if I were making a ludicrous
suggestion of possibility based upon my own interpretation of *beyond
extreme pain* experiences; like diplopia (left eye involuntarily
looking down/left), nausea, repeatedly bleeding soft palate, distorted
throat with odd swallow, pounding heart when inactive, sudden momentary
disconnect falling, neuralgias, tinnitus, couldn't feel lower legs or feet
that although ALL of my head scan reports to date state "no abnormality",
this formal Medical Reporting has never been my responsibility, and thus
this is quite beyond my (non-Professional) control. Yet
significantly it indicates something about those Professional Medical
Radiologists we are all obliged to rely upon, because;-
!!! Via
Radiology reporting to our Consultants, thence to GPs, ultimately the NHS
and thus the Government, Medical Doctors are not disclosing, and thus not
counting the statistical importance of ALL INJURIES which were
known to have been CAUSED BY CHIROPRACTORS !!!
I went
from full fitness with a proud 100% attendance and employment record to
being struck down by Chiropractic at only 45yrs old, since when I have
become increasingly wasted through chronic/severe within-head pains and
internal inflammatory pressures brought on by talking, walking or left arm
**A previously
active life ruined by Chiropratic's need to survive by charging for
?manipulation? of neck anatomy in a potentially dangerous manner - the
supposed benefits of which have never been *objectively* substantiated!**
doctors did not want to know, and a different
chiropractor suggested I complain, what did the UK
when I forwarded a written statement
about two Australian (one
Sydney) certificated DCs who called themselves 'Doctors' at a local
practice. My complaint
also included photographic support from the important
and irrefutable fracture/ bleed radiology images being entered here
They did not
do anything to reassure me !
Case 49.
I complained a
second time, and they might have 're-investigated' -
but still nothing !
entirely independent and unaccountable 'Pseudo-Professional' body
exists to >promote<
idealisms. To convince as if credible, and to discredit the doubters
or those who challenge them, even with writs for Court action.
They are there to
protect themselves, not
help injured patients, nor
to directly compensate after
any have been hurt by a Chiropractor !
And where
now are the DCs
who injured me ? Who knows ?
I was told one
moved to Glasgow in Scotland, for after three years
without any formal diagnosis of my injuries, ie. when no legal
claim could remain pending due to the "no abnormality"
evidence, these Chiropractors were free to ply
their trade anywhere with unblemished records.
Hence they
could sue *me* if I named them; this being
one of the Professional
>perks< they could
exploit via our expert
witness based Courts system here in N.
Ireland-UK, where no
*formal* proof of
injury = no injury at all!
Will the BCA~GCC sue
this injured patient for stating his truth ?
Either one or both of these chiropractors might be active in your local
Chiropractic 'Clinic' at this very moment !!!
Given that the
BCA~GCC willfully chose to NOT safeguard public health
by formally disciplining either of the chiropractors who so badly hurt me
(and I was told permanently injured someone else before
they moved to practice elsewhere) this
website has been set up as a way of
the horrendous consequences which can,
and already have resulted from
unabated head-neck manipulation activities.
Hopefully ALL
Health Trusts,
and Medical Insurers will come to understand that the considerable
additional costs for medical
diagnosis and treatment of Chiropractor
injuries, on top of the losses
and never ending costs for
their individual victims,
could be deemed beyond normally acceptable
provision, and thus ensure that they do not promote
same !
Chiropractic is
a 'Complementary'
private enterprise, (more links) and NOT a 'Primary' State Medical
Health treatment, so it ought not be formally promoted by
as if the Chiropractors are UK
Registered Consultants capable of using X-ray Equipment to provide
specialised Neuro-Radiology (head-neck related) Medical opinion.
Also as if their *repeated*
application of *powerful* and *abnormally
forces to people's *heads* in order to 'treat' supposed "musculo-skeletal
disorders of the neck", are, as is specifically stated on this
webpage, acceptable and to be expected when that high impact forcing
happens; for this is part of what the Chiropractic Profession
actually does - and - how the
injuries are being
How can our NHSTA
justifiably suggest that UK patients consider submitting to a form of
physical head-neck manipulation already warned about as being possible
precedence for injury and death? (Links above.)
Also this NHSTA page
is written in a way a pained (sore back/neck) patient could interpret as
if Chiropractic might be a legitimate first port for call without needing
to wait for a GP appointment and prior Medical examination; i.e. as
if this is a Medical recommendation over the Internet!
??? So who examines
the Medical capabilities of a Chiropractor who should then be capable of
diagnosing and warning about all the Medical conditions not amenable to
Chiropractic 'treatment' when their patient had not first attended a GP
Are DC's Qualified
to diagnose contra-indicative presenting Medical conditions?
NO !
Are DC's Medically
Qualified to diagnose "reaction to treatment" symptoms ?
NO !
To me that NHSTA
webpage is more like 'risk promotion' than any 'validated advice'.
So I wrote directly to them complaining,
and they stated that
the GCC oversees Chiropractic
- a reply as ludicrous to my injured self as would be allowing burglars to
run our Police Stations.
UK patients could be at risk
of greater suffering whilst
our supposedly Health and
Safety responsible NHSTA Officers do
nothing. Letter retained.
(Anyone hurt by a Chiropractor after seeing that webpage, or who goes on
to develop problems from a Medical condition not diagnosed by a
Chiropractor, could possibly sue the NHSTA for damages - IF they could
obtain Medical proof of injury that is!)
Has there been a
blurring of qualifications and responsibilities here ?
Returning to the real problems.
If a Chiropractor's
first jerk does not elicit a joint 'click', then without warning or
explanation they might increase their physical assault upon unaware
patients' bodies by applying very much increased forces to make the
'click' happen via a second jerk, and if that too was silent (say on a
strong healthy neck) they go for a much more powerful third attempt!
was what did it for my previously healthy head-neck anatomy, for on the
last day when my neck would not 'click' - and it was the Chiropractor's
wilful intention that it 'Chiropractically' should - much else
multiplicably clicked, cracked, crunched, tore and snapped instead!
And now,
via the Internet, I find out that this same 2nd plus 3rd sequence of
silent jerks was experienced by other Chiropractor injured individuals
too, though also via these same Global web-pages, we injured individuals
can now speak out truthfully without information flow being blocked by
Publishers who wish to remain influential, or Doctor related Professional
codes, or by Medical Service maintenance of Patient Confidence.
To me it
is as if Chiropractic's frequent fee charging sessions of head jerks
relates to an illogical understanding that nature provided all necks as
endlessly 'clickable' (chargeable), for this is what some Chiropractors
appear determined to do - even to the point of persuading sufferers they
should take out advance 'treatment' payment contracts - regardless of age,
physical condition, presenting illness, or the fact that -
is a natural limit to the frequency of repeat force our ligaments,
tendons, arteries, joints and bones can take !
incredulously, Chiropractors might do even more of the same if you
complain of pains caused by their 'treatment' because similar 'treatment'
appears to become used when 'treating' for everything from headache to low
back spasm, and I've not yet heard of them X-raying for a second time to
investigate how they have hurt someone!
Head-neck related
diagnoses should be made only by Consultants who have appropriate
multi-disciplinary and Professional Medical Training plus the Hospital
mentoring experience which provides them with an understanding for all of
the cranio-spinal criticalities involved - NOT by head jerking and neck
cracking Chiropractors who are mere academic BA, BSc graduates etc. with
additional *college* course pass certificates, plus mentoring in
Chiropractic presentation!
Chiropractors whose formative years
were spent studying for a Doctorate in Art or Science etc., do not -
because they cannot - establish the same early fundamental understandings
gained by Medical students who study, practice and are weeded out by
properly qualified and registered Medical Professors from High School
What is it that
actually makes the cracking noises when those high impact forces are
Some tissues being
ratcheted or twanged, or an induced cavity effect? OR -
Is it vital anatomy
being crushed, hyper-extended, torn, snapped or fractured?
How can a Chiropractor
or any patient know - - until *after* it is too late?
For example;-
AFTER a patient has had a stroke, or discovered that they have new extreme
pains, or have become motionally limited by some new permanent injury.
LOL - Do
Chiropractors really believe this
in that the loud 'crack' noises are due to them releasing a bubble of gas
(some say Nitrogen) within a joint?
So they've proved
this? Gas from where? And it goes to?
Millions of joint
X-rays have been taken, anyone reported 'gas' bubbles?
Also, don't be thinking that Medical
Doctors will be able to come along afterwards and 'sort out' Chiropractic
damage, for it is far too risky for surgeons to repair
non-life-threatening head-neck injuries.
Our blood vessels, ligaments,
muscles and nerves are most intricately intertwined ! Damaged
ligaments and tendons can cause muscles to become detached, shift or
swell, and joints to articulate abnormally, thus to cause YEARS of new
pain as interstitial blood vessels and nerves become trapped or pulled.
Hence the risks for exacerbating injury via surgery can far exceed the
risks of doing nothing whilst a patient is carefully monitored through
their increased suffering.
And then when our Medical Doctors
believe they cannot help, and thus do not want to become involved or
formally report all injuries, the entire general public is simultaneously
placed at increased illogical and unreasonable exposure to risk.
Chiropractically induced TIAs are like mini-strokes and these too can have
permanent outcome, but these are rarely (ever?) reported, thus these too
are unlikely to become statistically recorded.
If Medical Doctors
were to formally record ALL presenting injuries, then
Chiropractors would
no longer be able to proclaim and tout
their presently incomplete
compilations of *no proof = no injury*
Sadly, something
very wrong is happening here, for had my injuries been honestly reported
and their true cause been formally recognised, then others who were
injured or who died after my skull was broken might have been spared their
*This is a
Governance problem.*
Those who cannot work
due to injury can pay neither
socially necessary taxes nor medical insurance premiums,
and yet whilst Chiropractors discuss
Chiropractic; Doctors
discuss Chiropractic;
reports are written and everyone talks about each other; it
is obfuscation which 'rules', because nothing is
actually being done to debunk this
'Doctorial' sham in order to protect the Health of all our peoples.
Quite literally, new
Chiropractic manipulation induced injuries arise just as surely as our
clocks tick on, and yet it is usually only after being
hurt that the new sufferers discover the risks for serious injury had
already been well known, and published, as per links on this website.
Those hurt then
categorically state that the risks for very serious injury had
been stated either at all, or if so then most inadequately, because if the
possibilities for suffering permanent harm had been clarified beforehand,
then consent would simply never have been given for the Chiropractor to
proceed with any manual manipulation via their heads to 'adjust' their
necks. (Just read their comments!)
By its very
Chiropractors failed to warn about the very real significance of head-neck
related risks, but they often claim that their treatment is natural and
entirely safe.
Deliberate high impact but small
movement forces applied to someone's head at 'hangman's noose' angles in
order to 'adjust' vertebrae simply cannot 'adjust' without disrupting
anatomy, for there could not be any noise without disruption.
Additionally, the forces applied could be especially dangerous if the
patient has a momentary involuntary muscle contraction, or is not relaxed,
or has some internal muscle in unpalpable spasm.
irresponsible and wilful failure to inform about serious and publicly
stated risks has been an outright deceit not only by the Chiropractors,
but also by the individual NHSTA officers upon whom we are meant to be
able to rely upon for safe *Health*
also by any Government who allows this head-neck 'manipulation treatment'
to continue !
We are long
overdue for those whom we elect and pay, and who subsequently give
themselves the right to make OUR rules, to think about us - the Citizens - instead
of protecting those Professionals who hurt Patients.
If only all we
victims of Chiropractic could have been forewarned .....
As way of a very sad confirmation,
and within 9 months of me starting this website,
I heard from two other
individuals who are also suffering very badly
with similarly unusual chiropractic
head-neck manipulation induced base of skull
related injuries.
One USA; one
Canada; injured in 2006 and 2007 respectively. (Plus more for 2008.)
And so - after all
this time - via the Internet - I find that I am NOT the only person living
through the debilitating effects of medically unreported Chiropractor
injured head anatomy !
How many others are
there, or who have been inadequately diagnosed in the past?
(I believe a London
Soprano suffered career ending styloid bone injury ~1992.
Seemingly hushed up.
Anyone remember?)
of the others listed here who were badly hurt like myself have not had
their injuries formally stated either.
In other words, the real causes
for our outcomes have been neither medically nor *statistically* recorded.
Also of note is that because
our injuries were caused by 'Doctors' of Chiropractic we have not received
either the proper diagnosis nor the necessary humane medical treatment our
Medical Doctors would normally have granted to most other patients.
Here however, all of
the attached X-ray images (in spite of them being formally reported
as revealing "no abnormality") do not, because they cannot,
So let there be no
doubt about the currently *maintained* situation:-
!! Due to
continuing 'Authority' based recommendations for Chiropractic (here and
elsewhere), there remains risk for more members of the public to end up
being badly pained - or disabled - or dead !!
But do see the other
side too -
of Chiropractic were not forewarned about the possibilities for them to
experience a
ruined life
too! (click both)
Me ?
Well, as I type
this using only my right hand, I report being trapped
within my own living nightmare, for I must struggle
through repeat unseen and lonely suffering after attempting or doing
almost any thing. So yes I do manage to do somethings after I have
recovered sufficiently to do so, but jobs take me ages, and the more I do
in one go the worse I become.
For example, I
cannot sing, shout, laugh, emote nor walk properly without suffering.
Try to imagine
those things!
I cannot even
hum along with my favourite tunes, because the half of my throat that
does not work hurts like a knife through my left ear. I must swallow with
my chin down and facing forwards only. Similarly for talking, for if
my chin is not down and I turn my head slightly, the left of my throat
crunches, I suffer and I lose my voice. Nor can I any longer look
upwards or around like everyone else without the pains setting in; this as
I discovered the first time I attempted trolley shopping with my wife,
when extreme pains forced me to leave the store alone. Even getting
ready for and attending and returning from a Doctor's appointment makes me
unwell !
most gentle of footfalls boom through the left top of my head such that I
must walk extremely carefully without looking around in order to not hurt
myself, and I must let myself wobble as if drunk rather than allow
involuntary arm/neck/throat related balancing reactions pull against the
base of my skull/ throat. Those same in-head hurts arise when
travelling in any car which does not have comfy seats and the very
smoothest of suspension, plus an auto transmission which smoothes out
gear-change induced head jerk.
I might appear as
if well, but I need to sit quietly for hours, limited to quiet watching or
reading instead of being productive because daily those pharyngeal, left
arm/shoulder and balance related muscle movements enfeeble me by quite
literally pulling deep inside the left of my head behind my left eye-nose,
which feels like I have been punched on the nose, only from the inside !
Even writing my few Christmas cards caused pain to set in to the left of
my pituitary.
voice is often affected too, then grinding in-head sensation with awful
left earache becomes exacerbated by cranial inflammation pressures which
makes me need to 'time-out' in a dim quiet room (without TV or radio)
after I am rendered quite unable to concentrate or converse with anyone;
not even with my own wife and family.
I then have to 'thumbs-up'
instead of making what would be a painful nod for "yes", or shake a hand
instead of my head to say "no".
I taste the
inflammation too, as well as the occasional emission of head fluid, and
the physical pressure changes within my head stress my entire metabolism,
notably modifying my sleep patterns; next morning often feeling
shaky, flaky, dehydrated and incapable of doing anything but rest.
Even getting washed has to wait until I recover sufficiently to do so,
maybe during an afternoon, maybe after another day; and then getting
washed, or raising my chin to shave, leaves me feeling awful again with a
need for further rest.
Thus I am now living an unpredictable
'maybe tomorrow' life, with endless disappointment for what was and what
could have been, but which will never be again. For 15 years now
even the most simple of basic social interactions like talking and
visiting have been something I must avoid doing or limit in order to
prevent the onset of longer lasting pains and pressure generated, sense
sapping cranial neuralgias which quickly instil within me an inescapable
need to get home in order to recover. The more I struggle through my
cranial symptoms in any interactive situation the worse I become, and the
longer it takes me to recover.
Do not think I am
bemoaning my situation, for I know of so many others who are much worse
off than myself. I am however scathing that this can still be
happening in our 21st century, and thus I feel I must do what little I can
to warn everyone that a visit 'seeking help' from your local Chiropractor/
Back-Pain/ Life/ Wellness Clinic could end up being as life changing as
THEY claim it could be, only in a way YOU really could not begin to
My own mother is one
who is so much worse off than myself - bed bound for 42 years with chronic
spine/hip osteomyelitis after disc surgery. She lives just a few
minutes away by car, and it breaks my heart that I cannot manage to visit
as much as every other day, for this frequency causes more movement/
talking induced pain and inflammation than I can manage to recover from on
an on-going basis!
Thus to our Medical
Doctors and Politicians I say; -
Watch this - click - Textbooks state that bones fatigue and that
the base of a skull can be fractured due to body weight pull via strong
longitudinal and pharyngo-basilar attachments, and yet no-one says "NO".
(Note that not all
Chiropractic 'adjustments' are this gentle.)
Also think of the
bio-mechanics illustrated here. Unilateral tension plus axial force
via strong front spinal ligaments cannot fail to set up localised rotation
plus scissoring forces at the rear of vertebrae; these acting on
essential vertebral arteries and other occipital ligaments.
Cranial arterial
integrity is more important than other spinal maladies !
" Your
shameful 'hands-off' acquiescence and permissiveness are effectively
allowing more unacceptable 'hands-on' induced injuries to be caused !
Also shamefully, you
are maintaining my NHS records with all reports of my head X-rays (clicks
above etc.) effectively stating that my irreversibly damaged cranium has
never been anything other than *normal*."
So WHY are
radiologists trained at our Hammersmith Hospital centre of excellence
allowed to control evidential TRUTH against not only an individual
patient's civil and HEALTH interests, but against PUBLIC interests too;
and this in a manner which an individual patient simply cannot do anything
about *without* formally 'pitting' one Doctor's reputation against
another's !?
Is this
Institutional bias, or Investigational bias, or Insurance Company bias ?
No matter; it
is not up to Radiologists to pre-control Legislated and thus National
outcome by controlling the reporting of important diagnostic information !
Which is worse -
Injury or Cover-up, so that it can happen over and over again?
And it is not just
me alone to whom all this has been happening, because
*no ab-normality*
reporting also applies to many others I am now in contact with!
!!! If you wish the
authorities to retain a truthful health record in your name - then do not
allow yourself to become injured by a Chiropractor !!!
Finally I ask who are the real
victims here - myself and other previously productive individuals who were
seriously injured or died - OR - our entire society due to this glaringly
obvious lack of joined up thinking ?
Hopefully significant points have
been raised here in an orderly enough fashion for this situation to be
formally re-assessed, and in this regard - just over two years after
starting writing this page and with messages of encouragement from others
also injured by Chiropractors - I aim to forward a copy of this to our UK
Minister for Health, the individual who is charged with personal
responsibility for this situation.
Special Thanks are due
to my loving wife, who has looked after and watched over me through
all the times when I have been particularly unwell with frightening
symptoms and serious on-going debilitation.
My thanks also go to
those who freely commissioned
and designed this Website.
Also see my other Electronics
based Website at -